Nuestros ministerios
Dios ha dado a todos los que ha llamado un maravilloso regalo. Oramos para que tu llamado te bendiga y honre Nuestro señor siempre.

Join the men of God in discovering the things of God and how to apply them to their lives and families.

Join the women of God in pursuing purpose and passion for the things of God!

Having Enough Loving People Serving - (H.E.L.P.S) This Wonderful Ministry upholds the Love Of Christ through Deeds of Compassion & Encouragement

Contributions towards Kingdom builders on the rise! Kids K-12 and beyond benefit greatly from your giving!

Join us for activities, spiritual outings, and workshops with our youth in their Growing In Christ missions!

Keeping Marriage what God designed it to be! Join us for our Marriage Ministry Workshops!

This unique vehicle Radiates God's Word through Audio/Visual communications in reaching generations of lost souls seeking Christ Jesus Our Lord!

Hospitality care is at the heart of our Ministry. Serving others in ways and areas that glorify God. Join our Hospitality Ministry today!

Join us in Praise and Worship with musical gift & talents of instruments!